
Ravana Head Counting – Puzzle | Montessori Activity (Dusshera Special)

Original price was: $3.99.Current price is: $1.99.



  • Head Counting 1 to 10 Activity

Age: 18 months +


  • Instant Digital Download/Printable: 1 PDF (6 pages of size 8.5in x 11in each)
  • Each Alphabet Matching Activity Card measures approx. 2.25in x 1.75in
  • Just PRINT, LAMINATE (Optional) and CUT!


Materials Needed:

  1. Printer
  2. Paper
  3. Laminator and laminating pouches (optional if not using heavy paper or cardstock paper)
  4. Scissors and/or paper cutter
  5. Thin & clear Velcro tape
  6. Round corner trimmer (optional if you want round corners)

How To Use

Ravana Head Counting Activity: In this activity, teach your kid to count Ravana’s heads & match with the correct number.

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